
Roots Reggae Extravaganza– MUCH MORE THAN Roots Reggae Beat. – IT’S AN EXPERIENCE!

*** Line Up Subject To Change Without Notice ***

Reggae music is not only one of the most popular genres of music, but it is the only music heard in every corner of the world –we are committed to the promotion of local, regional and national awareness of Reggae Music in Canada!

So Escape the cold and come get your Irie inside Rainbow Bistro, 76 Murray Street, Ottawa ON. Saturday, February 9, 2019.

Joins us for ROOTS REGGAE EXTRAVAGANZA – A cosmic blend of Afro-Carib Vibes
A Black History Month Affair!

Chill out with a brew, hang with reggae fans, savor the flavours of afro-carib spices, dance to the reggae beats, soak up the great music, have fun and new experiences.

Roots Reggae Extravaganza is for all shapes, sizes and colours who celebrate our city’s cultural, social and aesthetic revitalization. No strings attached – just food, fun, great music and new experiences.